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About Me

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I'm a photographer in Ames, IA. Feel free to wander around my blog as much as you like. Hope to see you around, have an excellent day!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Happiness is cupcakes & sunshine...

That's all I have for today, really. :-)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I love...

sunshine & grass. I love all of the signs of Spring. Here's some other things I love right now:

*Watching Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland with my sisters.

*Fantastical colloquies with Sheena.

*Whimsical photo shoots with Chelsie.

*New Super Mario Bros for the Wii...which is on it's way to me right now!

*Shopping with friends I haven't seen in months, which leads to the next one...

*Dresses from Maurices and the heels that go perfect with them. [see photo below]

*Crayola window markers and using them to make a leprechaun & "pot 'o movies" on the Family Video windows.

*Successfully finishing the Fountainhead. Now I get to start on some Jane Austen!

*Girl Scout cookies!

*Stella. Or my Canon 5D Mark II if you don't remember her name is Stella.

*Baking and sharing treats. ...such as the strawberry cake that is currently in the oven!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Fun with Post-Processing

A lot of time, love, blood, sweat, tears...etc. goes into making photos beautiful. Sure, while you are shooting there are pressures to capture the right moments, make sure your focus is sharp, and be creative. As any photographer knows, things don't end when you upload them to your computer.

It's kind of a roller-coaster ride going through the RAW files for me...there's the excitement when I see lots of potential in photos & disappointment when some didn't turn out exactly as I had planned. I rarely let anyone see my RAW files, except Sheena.

Editing takes some time. Sometimes I just feel overwhelmed, that I'll never get through a batch of photos. Then I see the end result and it makes me happy. If you know me, you know I love to be happy. :-)

My weddings for this year begin in May. If you're my Facebook friend, my status everyday will probably be "Cassie is editing like a crazy mad woman" followed by an update on how you should look at my newest blog post. It's extremely exciting and I can't wait for the weddings to begin!

Now, enough rambling! I'm breaking my rule & showing you some of my straight out of the camera (SOCC) shots! Here are some before & after editing for your enjoyment:

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Chelsie & Brian: Just because

Yesterday we decided to do a photo-shoot just for fun with my little sister and her boyfriend, Brian. Here's some photos: